If your previous work experience is related to the degree you’d like to study, you may be eligible for credit. We recommend you check the entry requirements for your chosen program before applying.
To apply for recognition based on your work experience you will need to provide the following documentation:
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) or professional LinkedIn profile which includes:
- organisation name
- position title
- start and end dates of employment for each position
- type of employment (full-time, part-time or casual)
- key duties, responsibilities and achievements.
- names, position titles and contact details of referees (employers or supervisors) who will be able to verify the nature of your work for the period of 2 years.
- A letter from your employer:
- written on official company letterhead
- dated
- including position held details:
- organisation name
- position title
- start and end dates of employment for each position
- type of employment (full-time, part-time or casual)
- key duties, responsibilities and achievements.
If you are self-employed, details included in your CV must be verified via a statement from either your accountant, solicitor or tax agent. This should be provided on their official letterhead.
It is strongly recommended that you address the course objectives in the application, and provide documentation supporting your sound knowledge of all objectives. You can find information on the course objectives in the .